Dialing In Your Website
How to Sell More, More Often on your Website
Learn how to maximize your website’s performance using effective strategies to test and optimize conversion rates, increase the dollar amount of an average sale, and find the price point that maximizes your profit.
Dialing In Your Website is a lengthy discussion about the foundational issues associated with developing a website that sells effectively. This 100+ page manual is a must read for all website owners. Learn what factors you should consider in the design and on-going development of your Web sites. Essentially, you will learn how to maximize your website’s performance using effective strategies to test and optimize conversion rates, increase the dollar amount of an average sale, and find the price point that maximizes your profit.
Chapter 1: Dialing In A Website—Process Overview
Dialing in a website to its maximum effectiveness is a deliberate process. The process is reasonably formulaic and is not difficult to execute, but it does require time and effort. You could do it within a few short weeks, or it could take months.
Formula for a Successful Website
The elusive formula for a successful website is as follows:
Good Product + Fair Price + Good Website + Lots of Qualified Traffic = Profitability
Before we proceed, let’s define some terms so you have a clearer understanding of each component in the formula.
Objectives of This Book
The objective of this book, then, is to help you develop a “good website.” Remember that the definition of a good website is a website that closes sales. A website that looks fantastic but does not close sales is a bad site. A terrible looking site that closes sales like crazy is a good website! The goal, of course, is a good-looking site that closes sales. Since price plays a big part in how your website performs, it will also be covered.
The objective, then, is to develop a website that sells more, more often, and more profitably. This book deals with how to design and optimize your website’s performance.
Posted by Resource Administrator on March 10, 2006 at 4:27 PM under