Thank you for joining us this week. We will pay tribute to all of our MAC users with some TIPS on how to better utilize your MAC when building your webiste. You will read about different ways you can approach ceratin tasks and find short cuts. Easy as 1-2-3.
Support Tips for Apple's OS X for Macs
Using FTP/FileZilla
1. Open on your browser (accessible through the FileZilla link in the FTP
help tutorial).
2. Click on the “Download FileZilla Client, All Platforms” button.
3. Under “Mac OS X”, click on:
“” if you have a newer Intel based Mac“” if you have an older PowerPC based Mac
4. A dialog box should pop up with “Save to Disk” selected. Click “OK”.
5. The installer will then be downloaded to your the location you have designated for Firefox
downloads (default location is desktop). Click “Open” in the Firefox downloads window.
6. FileZilla will then be unarchived/unpacked and installed. The FileZilla icon will appear on
your desktop, or in whatever location you've designated for your Firefox downloads.
7. Double click the icon to open FileZilla.
8. Click on “File” in the menu bar and select “Site Manager”
9. Click on “New Site” button and enter the name of your site.
10. Proceed with setting up the account settings as shown below (demonstrated in the ftp help
11. Click Connect. You should now be ready to drag and drop files from your computer to your
site's directories.
Shortcuts for taking pictures of the screen
Use these shortcuts to take pictures of the screen in Mac OS X
Take a pictureof the whole screen.
*Screen shots are saved as files on the desktop. If you want to put the screen shot in the Clipboard,
rather than create a file, hold down the Control key when you press the other keys. You can then paste
the picture into a document.
**You can also take pictures of the screen using the Grab application (in the Utilities folder).
Take a picture of part of the screen
Shift-4, then drag to select the area you want in the picture. To cancel, press Escape.
Take a picture of a window, a menu, the menu bar,
or the Dock.
Press ı-Shift-4, then press the Space bar. Move the pointer over the area you want so that it's highlighted, then click. (To drag to select the area instead, press the Space bar again. To cancel,press Escape.)
Taking pictures of your screen with Grab
You can use the Grab application to take a picture of all or part of your computer screen. These
pictures are often called "screen shots" or "screen captures."
1. Open Grab (located in /Applications/Utilities)
2. Choose a command from the Capture menu
Selection takes a picture of a part of the screen that you select.
Window takes a picture of a window you select.
Screen takes a picture of the entire screen.
Timed Screen lets you start a timer and activate part of the screen (such as a menu), and then
takes a picture of the screen.
Follow the instructions in the dialog for the command you chose.
To see information about a screen shot you've taken, such as the size and depth, choose Edit >
To save the screen shot, choose File > Save. Grab saves screen shots as files in TIFF format. You
can use the Preview application to view these files and export them to other formats, such as
To be continued next week Tune in.
See ya next week!
Robert Schow
Posted by Robert Schow on November 19, 2007 at 3:43 PM under