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Frequently Asked Questions

Problems with your Order?

For your protection we use the highest standard of security for your credit card transaction. By requiring address and security verification we assure that you have your credit card in hand and have authorized the charge.  That does sometimes lead to difficulties when the information is not entered accurately on the order form.  If you are experiencing difficulties, please check the following common problems:

  1. Have you entered the CVV2 security code from the back of of your card (on the face of American Express cards)?  The processor will not accept the charge without this code correctly entered.  [Note: This is different from the Verifier code at the bottom of the order form where we ask you to enter characters that you see on the screen to weed out robots (also referred to as a security code).]
  2. Is your billing address entered correctly?  The zip code is the most important bit of information.  Abbreviations should not make a difference.

    Please use the address where your credit card statement is mailed to. 

    If you have recently moved or changed your address, try using the old address.  The credit card processor is a separate financial institution from the one that issued the card to you and it is possible that the new address information has not yet been updated in their files.  If you are a student, try entering your permanent address.

90% of declined orders are the result of these two items.

Is your order secure?

Yes.  We use the industry standard security encryption for online transactions.  Look for the VeriSign and SecurityMetrics logos on the order form and https in the address bar when you check out.

We occassionally hear that some browsers do not read the site as secure and issue a warning.  This happens because the order form renders within a frame.  The warning can be ignored.  The "https" in the order form address is your assurance that the order form is secure and your information is protected. 

Please contact us with additional questions using the Contact Form below:

Is your billing address entered correctly?  The zip code is the most important bit of information.  Abbreviations should not make a difference.

Please use the address where your credit card statement is mailed to. 

If you have recently moved or changed your address, try using the old address.  The credit card processor is a separate financial institution from the one that issued the card to you and it is possible that the new address information has not yet been updated in their files.  If you are a student, try entering your permanent address.


Email Address

Phone Number

Preferred contact:

Message / Comments / Questions

1. Verifier

Please enter the verification code in the box below before you submit your message. 
Thank you.

Your Code
Enter Code

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All LynchburgTickets & CVATickets orders processed through a secure connection. Your information is encrypted and secure.

Your home for the Arts in south central Virginia.

For more information:
Email: artsync@comcast.net

Phone:  1 (434) 390-1839
[area code may be required when dialing from the 434 area.  Thank you.]
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